Automated Cleaning

One of the Ironic’s feature exposed to Metal3 Baremetal Operator is node automated cleaning. When enabled, automated cleaning kicks off when a node is provisioned first time and on every time deprovisioned.

There are two automated cleaning modes available which can be set via automatedCleaningMode field of a BareMetalHost spec.

  • metadata to enable the disk cleaning
  • disabled to disable the disk cleaning

We named enabling mode metadata instead of simply enabled because we expect that in the future we will expand the feature to allow selecting certains disks (specified via metadata) of a node to be cleaned, which is currently out of scope.

kind: BareMetalHost
  name: example-node
  automatedCleaningMode: metadata
  online: true
  bootMACAddress: 00:8a:b6:8e:ac:b8
  bootMode: legacy
    address: ipmi://
    credentialsName: example-node-bmc-secret
  automatedCleaningMode: metadata

For a node with disabled value, no cleaning will be performed during deprovisioning. Note that this might introduce security vulnerabilities in case there is sensitive data which must be wiped out from the disk when the host is being recycled.

If automatedCleaningMode is not set by the user, it will be set to the default mode metadata. To know more about cleaning steps that Ironic performs on the node, see the cleaning steps.

If you are using Cluster-api-provider-metal3 on top of Baremetal Operator, then please see this.