Installing Ironic

This document covers installing Ironic in different scenarios. You need to answer a few questions before you can pick the one that suits you:

  • Which physical network interface will be used for provisioning? Without any configuration, Ironic will use the host cluster networking.

  • If you use a dedicated network interface, are you going to use the built-in Keepalived service to configure the IP address on the control plane node where the Ironic pod is located? If not, you need to make sure the interface has a usable address on this node.

  • Do you want to use network boot (iPXE) during provisioning? DHCP adds more requirements and requires explicit configuration. Without it, only virtual media provisioning is possible (see supported hardware).

  • Are you going to use TLS for the Ironic API? It is not recommended to run without TLS. To enable it, you need to manage the TLS secret. Cert Manager is the recommended service for it.

Using Ironic

Regardless of the scenario you choose, you will need to create at least an Ironic object and wait for it to become ready:

NAMESPACE="test-ironic"  # change to match your deployment
kubectl create -f ironic.yaml
kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready --timeout="10m" -n "$NAMESPACE" ironic/ironic

If the resource does not become Ready, check its status and the status of the corresponding Deployment.

Once it is ready, get the credentials from the associated secret, e.g. with

SECRET=$(kubectl get ironic/ironic -n "$NAMESPACE" --template={{.spec.apiCredentialsName}})
USERNAME=$(kubectl get secrets/$SECRET -n "$NAMESPACE" --template={{.data.username}} | base64 -d)
PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secrets/$SECRET -n "$NAMESPACE" --template={{.data.password}} | base64 -d)

Now you can point BMO at the Ironic’s service at ironic.test-ironic.svc.

Scenario 1: no network boot, no dedicated networking

In this scenario, Ironic will use whatever networking is used by the cluster. No DHCP will be available, bare-metal machines will be provisioned using virtual media. Since there is no dedicated network interface, Keepalived is also not needed.

It is enough to create the following resource:

kind: Ironic
  name: ironic
  namespace: test-ironic
  version: "27.0"

HINT: there is need to configure API credentials: IrSO will generate a random password for you.

However, there is one option that you might want to set in all scenarios: the public SSH key for the ramdisk. Configuring it allows an easier debugging if anything goes wrong during provisioning.

kind: Ironic
  name: ironic
  namespace: test-ironic
    sshKey: "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3..."
  version: "27.0"

WARNING: the provided SSH key will not be installed on the machines deployed by Ironic. See instance customization instead.

Scenario 2: dedicated networking and TLS

In this scenario, a separate network interface is used (em2 in the example). The IP address on the interface will be managed by Keepalived, and the Ironic API will be secured by TLS.

To make TLS work without resorting to insecure configuration, the certificate must contain the DNS name derived from the service (e.g. ironic.test-ironic.svc), as well as the provided IP address ( in this example).

For simplicity, lets use the openssl CLI to generate a self-signed certificate (use something like Cert Manager in production):

openssl req -x509 -new -subj "/CN=ironic.test-ironic.svc" \
    -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:ironic.test-ironic.svc,IP:" \
    -newkey ec -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:prime256v1 -nodes \
    -keyout ironic-tls.key -out ironic-tls.crt
kubectl create secret tls ironic-tls -n test-ironic --key=ironic-tls.key --cert=ironic-tls.crt

NOTE: without a dedicated interface we would have to add all cluster IP addresses to the certificate, which is often not desired.

Now you can create your Ironic deployment:

kind: Ironic
  name: ironic
  namespace: test-ironic
    sshKey: "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3..."
    interface: "em2"
    ipAddress: ""
    ipAddressManager: keepalived
    certificateName: ironic-tls
  version: "27.0"

Now you can access Ironic either via the service or at

Scenario 3: dedicated networking with DHCP and Keepalived

In this scenario, network booting will be available on the dedicated network interface. Assuming the network CIDR is

kind: Ironic
  name: ironic
  namespace: test-ironic
    sshKey: "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3..."
      networkCIDR: ""
    interface: "em2"
    ipAddress: ""
    ipAddressManager: keepalived
    certificateName: ironic-tls
  version: "27.0"

NOTE: when the DHCP range is not provided, IrSO will pick one for you. In this example, it will be -