Metal3-io security policy

This document explains the general security policy for the whole project thus it is applicable for all of its active repositories and this file has to be referenced in each repository in each repository’s SECURITY_CONTACTS file.

Way to report a security issue

The Metal3 Community asks that all suspected vulnerabilities be disclosed by reporting them to mailing list which will forward the vulnerability report to the Metal3 security committee.

Security issue handling, severity categorization, fix process organization

The actions listed below should be completed within 7 days of the security issue’s disclosure on the

Security Lead (SL) of the Metal3 Security Committee (M3SC) is tasked to review the security issue disclosure and give the initial feedback to the reporter as soon as possible. Any disclosed security issue will be visible to all M3SC members.

For each reported vulnerability the SL will work quickly to identify committee members that are able work on a fix and CC those developers into the disclosure thread. These selected developers are the Fix Team. The Fix Team is also allowed to invite additional developers into the disclosure thread based on the repo’s OWNERS file. They will then also become members of the Fix Team but not the M3SC.

M3SC members are encouraged to volunteer to the Fix Teams even before the SL would contact them if they think they are ready to work on the issue. M3SC members are also encouraged to correct both the SL and each other on the disclosure threads even if they have not been selected to the Fix Team but after reading the disclosure thread they were able to find mistakes.

The Fix team will start working on the fix either on a private fork of the affected repo or in the public repo depending on the severity of the issue and the decision of the SL. The SL makes the final call about whether the issue can be fixed publicly or it should stay on a private fork until the fix is disclosed based on the issues’ severity level (discussed later in this document).

The SL and the Fix Team will create a CVSS score using the CVSS Calculator. The SL makes the final call on the calculated risk.

If the CVSS score is under ~4.0 (a low severity score) or the assessed risk is low the Fix Team can decide to slow the release process down in the face of holidays, developer bandwidth, etc. These decisions must be discussed on the

If the CVSS score is under ~7.0 (a medium severity score), the SL may choose to carry out the fix semi-publicly. Semi-publicly means that PRs are made directly in the public Metal3-io repositories, while restricting discussion of the security aspects to private channels. The SL will make the determination whether there would be user harm in handling the fix publicly that outweighs the benefits of open engagement with the community.

If the CVSS score is over ~7.0 (high severity score), fixes will typically receive an out-of-band release.

More information can be found about severity scores here.

Note: CVSS is convenient but imperfect. Ultimately, the SL has discretion on classifying the severity of a vulnerability.

No matter the CVSS score, if the vulnerability requires User Interaction, or otherwise has a straightforward, non-disruptive mitigation, the SL may choose to disclose the vulnerability before a fix is developed if they determine that users would be better off being warned against a specific interaction.

Fix Disclosure Process

With the Fix Development underway the SL needs to come up with an overall communication plan for the wider community. This Disclosure process should begin after the Fix Team has developed a Fix or mitigation so that a realistic timeline can be communicated to users. Emergency releases for critical and high severity issues or fixes for issues already made public may affect the below timelines for how quickly or far in advance notifications will occur.

The SL will lead the process of creating a GitHub security advisory for the repository that is affected by the issue. In case the SL has no administrator privileges the advisory will be created in cooperation with a repository admin. SL will have to request a CVE number for the security advisory. As GitHub is a CVE Numbering authority (CNA) there is an option to either use an existing CVE number or request a new one from GitHub. More about the GitHub security advisory and the CVE numbering process can be found here.

The original reporter(s) of the security issue has to be notified about the release date of the fix and the advisory and about both the content of the fix and the advisory as soon as the SL has decided a date for the fix disclosure.

If a repository that has a release process requires a high severity fix then the fix has to be released as a patch release for all supported release branches where the fix is relevant as soon as possible.

In case the repository does not have a release process, but it needs a critical fix then the fix has to be merged to the main branch as soon as possible.

In repositories that have a release process Medium and Low severity vulnerability fixes will be released as part of the next upcoming minor or major release whichever happens sooner. Simultaneously with the upcoming release the fix also has to be released to all supported release branches as a patch release if the fix is relevant for given release.

In case the fix was developed on a private repository either the SL or someone designated by the SL has to cherry-pick the fix and push it to the public repository. The SL and the Fix Team has to be able to push the PR through the public repo’s review process as soon as possible and merge it.

Metal3 security committee members

NameGitHub IDAffiliation
Dmitry TantsurdtantsurRed Hat
Riccardo PittauelfosardoRed Hat
Zane BitterzanebRed Hat
Kashif KhankashifestEricsson Software Technology
Lennart Jernlentzi90Ericsson Software Technology
Tuomo TanskanentuminoidEricsson Software Technology
Adam RozmanRozziiEricsson Software Technology

Please don’t report any security vulnerability to the committee members directly.